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Parental Alienation: Fathers Day

Dr. Amy Baker is a nationally recognized expert in parent child relationships, especially children of divorce, parental alienation syndrome, and emotional abuse of children. One of her books occupies a permanent place on my office bookshelf: The High-Conflict Custody Battle Protect Yourself and Your Kids from a Toxic Divorce, False Accusations, and Parental Alienation
Dr. Baker helps targeted parents navigate the legal and mental health systems. Topics addressed include:

How to find the right attorney for your case.
How to prepare your documents for your attorney.
How to find the right expert witness for your case.
How to prepare for a custody evaluation.
How to protect yourself from and respond to false allegations of child abuse.

The message on Dad’s Day:

Amy J L Baker Yesterday at 8:15am ยท
” My thoughts are with targeted fathers everywhere who will not experience the love and appreciation from their children that they deserve on today, Father’s Day. As I continue to research and coach and be an expert witness I am continually reminded how much children need to love and be loved by their parents. Hang in there, dads, your kids need you even though they cannot tell you that themselves.”

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