
Articles Posted in Parental Alienation


Illinois Divorce: Symptoms of Parental Alienation

This post is  focusing on symptoms of Parental Alienation  The first symptom of Parental Alienation is the “Campaign of Denigration”. This refers to the child’s view of the “hated” parent. It is important to understand that this is composed of two components. First, the campaign of denigration refers to the…


Illinois Divorce Lawyer: What is Parental Alienation?

What is Parental Alienation? Bernet et al (2010) considers a primary feature of parental alienation where a child whose parents are engaged in a high conflict divorce or separation allies himself or herself strongly with one parent while rejecting the relationship with the other previously loved parent without legitimate justification.


Illinois Divorce: Children of Divorce and Mental Health

A parent need not be a psychologist to understand that the stress of pre-divorce or the divorce process can take its toll on kids emotionally and physically. Because many of my cases involve High Conflict divorces, there is often seen in the kids of these families both emotional and somatic…


Illinois Divorce: Parental Alienation and the DSM-V

I recently had an interesting discussion at one of the courthouses about Parental Alienation. The issue for the moment was whether PA was considered “real” from a clinical point of view, and whether the DSM had a diagnostic category for Parental Alienation.  As any reader of Illinois Divorce Lawyer Blog…


Illinois Divorce Lawyer: Psychological Splitting in Children of Divorce

Everyday Trauma: Induced Psychological Splitting in Children of Divorce and Separation Credit: Understanding the impact of divorce and separation on children takes us down new pathways of understanding of induced psychological splitting, its manifestation in families and the every trauma it causes which has been hidden in plain sight…


Illinois Divorce Lawyer: Divorcing the Narcissist

For many years, and since the publishing of Bill Eddy’s landmark book Splitting, I have been writing on the subject of divorce and personality disorders.  My law practice has a focus on helping people navigate divorce from a narcissist or someone with other traits of toxic personality disorders.  Because divorcing…


Illinois Divorce: Parental Alienation Europe

Contact refusal. Positive relationship prior to contact refusal. Absence of abuse or neglect on the part of the alienated parent. Alienating behaviours of the preferred parent. Child manifesting symptoms of Parental Alienation.   ” Today Parental Alienation Europe co-founder Brian O’Sullivan was interviewed on The Elaine Show, Virgin Media, where…


Parental Alienation

One of the hallmarks of my practice is the ability over the years to manage, and aggressively attack, Parental Alienation cases.  In order for an attorneys to effectively manage a case involving HCPs (High Conflict Personalities), personality disorders, and PA ( Parental Alienation), the attorney should have years of experience…

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