
Articles Posted in Divorce Coaching


Kane County Divorce: What are some Reasons People Divorce?

Through the decades of practicing divorce and child custody law in Illinois, I have encountered the myriad reasons that a spouse or couple is seeking a divorce.  In some cases, there are serious behavioral issues that make staying together unhealthy for the marriage, and unhealthy for the children. In a…


DuPage Divorce Lawyer: Divorces don’t need to cost an “arm and a leg.”

One aspect of my practice is to deliver high level legal skill to my clients, while at the same time optimizing their outcomes in a cost-effective manner. Divorces don’t need to cost an “arm and a leg.” Divorce can be emotionally and financially taxing for all parties involved. While the…


Illinois Divorce Lawyer Blog: Top Ways to Spend too much on your Divorce

For the decades that I have been practicing Family Law/Divorce/Child Custody, I have always endeavored to deliver good value for the money spent on legal fees. Aside from keeping my hourly rates at a moderate level so that they are affordable for all clients, I also have some pride in…


Illinois Divorce: Retained Earnings

I can say that most of the calls to my firm involve significant and complex child custody issues, many involving psychological issues or parental alienation concerns. Yet, it is still very important for my practice to focus on financial issues in divorce, as well.  Issues concerning support calculations, and valuation…


Illinois Divorce: Dr. Richard A. Warshak on Parental Alienation

Have your children turned against you? Do they resist spending time with you? Have they joined with your ex in treating you with contempt? If so, they may be suffering from parental alienation. In this article I provide an overview and summary of parental alienation to help separated and divorced…


Illinois Divorce: Use the BIFF Method in Communications

A big part of my Firm’s approach to divorce law practice is helping clients navigate communications with a High Conflict Personality (HCP).  Many times, the Court will order that the parties limit communication to online monitored platforms like “Our Family Wizard” or “Talking Parents,” but regardless of the platform, difficult,…


Divorce and the Narcissist

My Illinois Divorce Blog focuses on a variety of subjects, including the means by which to manage divorce and child custody with a toxic narcissist. I can say that almost every day, I receive a message that sounds like this that came today: Message: I’m separated from a narcissist and he…

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