
Parenting the Kids: Illinois Custody and Post Divorce Parenting

Divorce creates enormous stresses on the divorcing parents, and the anxiety with divorcing parents can be most profound. Clients from throughout Illinois have asked me to develop strategies for protecting their parenting rights, and I have found that advocating and developing “out of the box” strategies for parenting plans are needed in most disputed custody cases.

Just as all family systems are unique, so too must be the parenting agreements that are put in place in resolving the dipsutes over custody of children. Intense focus must be placed by the parties and the attorneys on developing parenting plans that allow competent, caring parents to have as much interaction and investment in the developmental lives of their children as possible.

I have never believed that a good Joint Parenting Agreement can be found in any book or article. Each parenting agreement must be a separate plan for the parenting of children, taking into account the strengths of the parents, the parents’ schedules, the physical proximity of the parents to the children, and the ability of the parents to cultivate a respect for the other parent’s parenting role.

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